Oppose HB 415/SB 436: Anti-Abortion Website

Extremists in the Florida Legislature are once again pushing more anti-abortion propaganda on the public dime. Senate Bill 436 would require the Florida Department of Health to create a website using a third-party vendor that features anti-abortion pregnancy centers and it is likely up for a final vote in the Senate next week

The bill is sponsored by none other than Senator Erin Grall (R- Ft. Pierce), who also sponsored last year’s six-week abortion ban, and Rep. Berny Jacques (R-Clearwater).

Let’s work together to resist more resources going to promote the shame and stigma doled out by anti-abortion centers.

Having already passed the House, this bill is in its final committee stop in the Senate in the Fiscal Policy Committee. Complete this action page now to get a message to every member of Florida Senate urging them to vote “No” on more anti-abortion propaganda at taxpayer expense.

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