Progress Florida

Stand With Planned Parenthood and Urge Gov. Scott to Veto HB 1411

HB 1411 is an omnibus bill that would mandate medically unnecessary regulations that have closed abortion providers across the country. This bill would also strip critical funding from providers like Planned Parenthood to provide preventive care such as cancer screenings, contraception and STI treatment and prevention, affecting thousands of women throughout Florida

We need you to stand with Planned Parenthood against these obscene attacks on safe and legal access to abortion and reproductive health. Tell Gov. Scott to veto this attack on women and families in Florida by adding your name today.

Petition To Gov. Scott

Dear. Gov Scott,

I stand with Planned Parenthood in Florida against the legislature's obscene attacks on safe and legal access to abortion and reproductive health, and I urge you to veto HB 1411.

Instead of attacking women's rights and endangering their health, the legislature should focus on improving women's health. But HB 1411 would add medically unnecessary regulations for physicians and health centers that provide abortion. It aims to shut down providers by placing unreasonable requirements on them.

I urge you to stand with everyday Floridians and protect their right to health care by vetoing HB 1411.

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    Subject: Thousands of Floridians left behind

    Tea party extremists in the Florida Legislature passed HB 1411, a bill that threatens to block access to reproductive health care for thousands of Floridians. Supporters of this terrible bill disingenuously argued their motives were about protecting "vulnerable" women. The truth is, the bill contains Texas-style restrictions on safe, legal abortion that could close down health centers throughout the state.

    Join me and tell Gov. Rick Scott to veto HB 1411, because women will only be "vulnerable" if he signs this bad bill into law.

    The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Kelli Stargel, is still using the debunked video smear campaign against Planned Parenthood to justify this attack on women’s access to health care. While the politicians behind this bill claim the restrictions are intended to improve women’s health, the reality is that they will do just the opposite. In fact, a New York Times analysis shows that Google searches for how to self-induce an abortion have skyrocketed in recent years in states that have restricted access to safe, legal abortion.

    The bill would also block access to birth control, cancer screenings, STD tests and other care for the more than 5,500 Title X patients and nearly 2,000 Medicaid patients served by Planned Parenthood in Florida. And it could shutter access to safe, legal abortion across Florida.

    Tell Gov. Scott to veto this bill to protect access to reproductive health care.

    We need to stand with Planned Parenthood against these obscene attacks on safe and legal access to abortion and reproductive health care. Tell Gov. Scott to veto this attack on women and families in Florida.

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