Progress Florida

Tell The FCC: Keep The Internet Open, Fair, and Free

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    Subject: Keep the Internet open, fair, and free

    If big cable monopolies have their way, the Internet as we know it will cease to exist. Currently, the principle of “net neutrality” ensures everyone has equal access to the Internet. Big cable wants to charge customers and businesses for faster access to certain portions of the Internet. This tiered system would effectively put an end to Internet freedom. We can’t let that happen.

    Join me and more than 4 million Americans and tell the FCC to protect net neutrality and stop the big cable monopolies.

    Open access to the Internet has allowed unprecedented communication, innovation, and freedom. These fundamental principles must not be abandoned simply to satisfy the short-term greed of the cable monopolies and large Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

    No company should be allowed to decide what specific websites you’re allowed to visit.

    No cable provider should be allowed to create digital “toll booths” and throttle access.

    No ISP should be able to force businesses to pay for greater access to consumers.

    Tell the FCC to protect net neutrality once and for all today.

    Thanks for helping keep the Internet open, fair, and free.

    If big cable monopolies have their way, the Internet as we know it will cease to exist. Currently, the principle of “net neutrality” ensures everyone has equal access to the Internet. Big cable wants to charge customers and businesses for faster access to certain portions of the Internet. This tiered system would effectively put an end to Internet freedom. We can’t let that happen.

    Join more than 4 million Americans and send an e-letter to the FCC: tell them to protect net neutrality and stop the big cable monopolies.