Middle Class Champions

Thank Florida's 2015 Middle Class Champions

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    Subject: Thank Florida's Middle Class Champions!

    Florida has the wrong leaders running our state with the wrong priorities, leaders who routinely let obscene amounts of corporate campaign cash drown out the voices of hard working, middle class Floridians and working families. While there are a number of legislators who fight to protect and expand the middle class in Florida, there are a select few who voted the right way 100% of the time on the critical bills that impacted the middle class this past legislative session.

    Meet Florida's 2015 Middle Class Champions and join me in signing the thank you card to them for standing up for middle class Floridians:


    Florida's Middle Class Champions promoted a range of issues such as expanding access to health care, enacting online voter registration, providing alternatives to incarceration for our youth, and more – while opposing attacks on public schools, women's health, civil rights, and other ill-conceived, anti-middle class bills.

    As we continue the fight to protect and expand Florida's middle class, we should take time to thank these legislators who are courageously standing and fighting with us.


    Thanks for thanking those who stand up for us.

    Fifteen state legislators stood up for the interests of hard working middle class Floridians at every opportunity during the 2015 legislative session.

    Send a thank you note to the 15 Middle Class Champions using the simple form below.